What is the main difference between sociology and social work ?

What is the main difference between sociology and social work

There are 10 main differences between Sociology and Social Work. I am going to write it down in easy language in point to point format : –

1. Sociology helps in understanding and classifying problems whereas social work helps in understanding the problems and solving it. Means where there is solving the problem is involved it is social work.

2. Sociology means the scientific study of the society whereas social work is the effort to eradicate problems of the society.

3. Sociology is a pure science which initiates social work to application whereas social work is the applied science of sociology.

4. Sociology studies the basis of social stratification whereas social work helps in social justice and minimize social suppression.

5. Sociology studies the nature, characteristics and problems of rural and tribal people whereas social work helps the upliftment and self reliance of rural and tribal people.

6. Sociology studies religion and social relevance whereas social work promotes secularism in the society.

7. Sociology is just a study by student and it is not the application of the concept whereas is the real application of the concept which helps in reducing the problems of urban population.

8. Sociology studies family, marriage and kinship whereas social work reduces family problems and marriage problems.

9. Sociology is the effect of social change and modernisation whereas social work helps people to cope with social change and modernization.

10. Sociology is interested in the why of human interaction that means if any human interacts why does he interacts whereas social work understand and diagnose the people for better adjustment.

What is Sociology ?

1. Sociology is a science of society.

2. Sociology is the study of groups or social system.

3. Sociology is the study of social relationships.

4. Sociology is the study of human interactions and interrelations, their conditions and consequences.

5. Sociology is the study of social action.

6. Sociology is the study of social phenomena.

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